Meeting Your Employment Goals and Continued Eligibility for Snap Benefits

SNAP to Success Logo

Assisting People to Self-Sufficiency Through Community Partnerships with SNAP Employment and Training


SNAP Program Basics

General Information

SNAP to Success Eligibility


Enrolling Participants



Invoicing and Billing

Program Contacts


Download a PDF copy to print (pdf).


The purpose of SNAP to Success is to help individuals receiving SNAP benefits obtain employment through participation in job search, skills training, education and subsidized employment activities that lead to greater independence and self-sufficiency. The program delivers services through a third-party reimbursement model, which consists of contractual partnerships between the State of Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS) and community-based provider organizations (CBOs).

The Manual provides a standard set of procedures and guidelines to deliver services under SNAP to Success. This Manual does not cover every situation or scenario a partner contractor (Provider) may encounter and providers should be in contact with program contacts to answer questions and provide guidance. Program contacts are located at the end of this Manual.

Providers will receive face to face and web-based training providing detailed explanations of common and some rare situations. This Manual will be updated annually, so please ensure that you are using the most current version.

SNAP Program Basics

Overview of SNAP nutrition program in IL

The State of Illinois administers the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) which helps low-income individuals obtain proper access to food and nutrition. The program subsidizes low income households' income through SNAP benefits which are delivered through the Illinois Link card, an electronic benefits (EBT) card, accepted in most grocery and convenience stores and some farmer's markets.

SNAP Facts for Fiscal Year 2019:

  • 13% of the Illinois population receives SNAP benefits
  • An average of 886,924 households receive SNAP
  • The average monthly benefit per household was $252.75
  • 41 % of the people receiving SNAP benefits are children

States must also provide employment and training services (E&T) to SNAP program participants. In Illinois one part of this program is called SNAP to Success which utilizes SNAP E&T 50% funds to deliver services. SNAP to Success supports and enhances employment and training services through working with community partners and by partnering with the local workforce development system throughout the state.

Some SNAP participants are required by federal law and Illinois state regulations to participate in work requirements to maintain eligibility for SNAP benefits. Illinois no longer has Mandatory requirements to enroll in SNAP E&T. Enrollment is now 100% voluntary. ABAWD SNAP participants subject to Time Limited Benefits can meet their work requirements by actively participating in SNAP to Success components. The program is open to any Voluntary participants who may choose to participate in SNAP to Success to improve their skills or advance in their career.

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SNAP Program Eligibility

The income threshold for SNAP benefits in Illinois is based on household income and depends upon the number of individuals that are in the household (see chart below). There are two different columns, one for regular households and one for households that have someone who is elderly or a person with disabilities. Income is not the only criteria for eligibility, but it is the primary one. One needs to go through the application process and speak to a DHS case manager to definitively determine eligibility.

Number of People in Your Household Maximum Gross Monthly Income Maximum Gross Monthly Income (Age 60 and Over or Disabled)
1 $ 1,718 $ 2,082
2 $ 2,326 $ 2,818
3 $ 2,933 $ 3,555
4 $ 3,541 $ 4,292
5 $ 4,149 $ 5,028
6 $ 4,757 $ 5,765
7 $ 5,364 $ 6,502

 Individuals can apply online for benefits at:

General Information

Confidentiality - Each organization must have all staff with access to confidential client information take measures with correspondence, case files, service delivery notes, etc. to ensure clients' confidentiality and privacy. The partner organization must be familiar with and comply with state and federal statutes and regulations concerning clients served and confidential records.

Provider Liability - All providers must have appropriate and sufficient insurance for the services that they are providing. For example, if the provider supplies direct transportation for clients then they must carry sufficient insurance to cover the vehicle, driver and passengers in the event of an accident and injury.

Program Marketing - Providers are responsible for the marketing and promotion of the program. SNAP to Success program staff reserve the right to review and approve public marketing materials used. DHS local offices will refer program participants to a provider at the participant's request.

SNAP to Success Eligibility

Program eligibility

An individual is eligible to participate in SNAP to Success if they are:

  • Eligible or receiving SNAP benefits;
  • Not receiving cash assistance through TANF;
  • Age 18 or older;
  • Able to work at least 20 hours a week , or will be able to do so within the next 1 year;
  • Able to participate in SNAP to Success immediately.

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Supervised Job Search

This activity should be combined with other components appropriate to the participant's needs and career goals. Job Search can be conducted with staff support, independently or within a group setting, whatever is most appropriate for the participant.

Job Readiness

Job readiness or job readiness training are services that enhances a person's employability by providing specific basic skills and knowledge that are necessary to getting employment. Job readiness might include: job skills assessments, job clubs, job placement services, and other direct training and support activities which improve one's ability to find and secure a job. Job readiness should be used when a participant is actively in training or classes and not as a placeholder for case management services. Although wages for paid and subsidized work cannot be funded with SNAP to Success, unpaid internships and unpaid work experience may fall under Job Readiness. SNAP to Success can pay for any supports or coaching that occurs with work experience, either paid or unpaid.

Basic Adult Ed

An educational program or activity which improves basic skills and increases employability fits within Basic Adult Education. This includes for example: Adult Basic Education (ABE), basic literacy, English as a Second Language (ESL), high school equivalency, and post graduate education. Educational components should be part of a strategy that leads to sustainable employment and increased wages if already employed.

Federal E&T funds cannot take the place of non-federal funds (i.e. state or local) that support and pay for existing education services. This is called supplanting and is not allowed. Funding additional support services over what the average student gets to help keep people in school is allowed.

Vocational Training

This component includes occupational assessment, remedial and entry level job skills or occupational training, customized or institutional training, and upskilling. Vocational Training may lead to an occupational related certificate or credential and the goal of training should be enhanced chance of employment through the development of more specific occupational skills.

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Job Retention

Job Retention services are time-limited training and support services to help participants achieve satisfactory performance, retain employment, and increase their earnings over time. This Activity may include counseling, coaching, case management and participant reimbursements.

Retention services can be provided for 90 days after being hired. The first day of the 90 days is counted as the day after the first day of employment. Employment does not need to be the direct result of SNAP to Success services but, the participant must have been enrolled in SNAP to Success prior to employment being obtained. Participants may be reenrolled for Job Retention for subsequent 90 days if they are employed at a different job than the one for which they previously received services. A SNAP to Success participant is limited to 2 periods (of 90 days each) of job retention services in a rolling year starting from the first day of initial employment.

Participant Reimbursements

SNAP to Success allows Providers to provide services which are reasonably needed to participate in the program or for job retention. Services are directly issued from the Provider to the participant up to the approved limits. Participant Reimbursements are also referred to as Support Services interchangeably.


The transportation limit for each participant is $200 per month. Transportation assistance may include:

  • Transit tickets or passes;
  • necessary/non-maintenance vehicle repair for a reasonable amount;
  • or fuel


There is no general clothing limit per participant per program year, but clothing must be for work, training or interviewing purposes. Providers may also provide clothing directly to the participant and submit the cost for reimbursement in their billing. Providers must provide verification of the cost of the clothing and a justification explaining the need for the clothing.

Reimbursable Child Care Services

Participation in SNAP E&T qualifies a SNAP to Success participant for childcare assistance through Illinois' Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) if the client meets the other eligibility criteria. If a participant is not eligible for CCAP or needs additional care, the provider may approve childcare through a 3rd party.

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Other Reimbursements

SNAP to Success funding cannot be used to pay for participant reimbursements if the participant is receiving other funding which could be used to cover those same costs. For example: federal financial aid, grants, scholarships, private payments, etc.

Support with Retention - Job retention reimbursements must be reasonable and necessary and can include participant reimbursements described in this Manual up to 90 days after being hired for a new job. Job retention services can also include post-employment case management, counseling, and coaching.

Housing - After all other resources have been exhausted, housing assistance may include rental assistance when housing stability is reasonable and directly related to helping SNAP to Success participants prepare for self-sufficiency through training and or other SNAP to Success activities. Housing stabilization awards should not be ongoing assistance but should be limited to one or two times per program year. Eviction notice or a letter of intent to evict from a landlord may be used as supporting documentation.

Utility Shut Off - After all other resources have been exhausted, housing assistance may also cover awards to prevent the shut-off of essential utilities such as electricity, water, heating and cooling. Shut-off awards should not be ongoing assistance but should be limited to once (or two times maximum) per program year. Disconnection notice or a letter of intent to disconnect utilities from a landlord may be used as supporting documentation.

Personal Hygiene and Grooming - Participants may receive assistance with personal hygiene products and services (including haircuts) necessary to meet a Provider or potential employer's appearance standards.

Medical Related Costs - Participants may receive assistance with the cost of training and employer required inoculations, vision or hearing examinations and the purchase of eyeglasses. Emergency dental work is also allowed.

Work and Training Permits and Fees - Participants may receive assistance with the cost of testing and securing permits needed for training or to support job search activities.

Driver's License or State ID - Participant's may receive help in paying for a driver's license if it is necessary and supportive of getting employed.

Work and Training Tools - Participants may receive assistance with tools, uniforms, and protective clothing required for training. The need for these tools is determined on a case by case basis and costs are not allowed for every participant. This cost is not considered clothing and therefore does not fall under the clothing limit.

School Supplies and Educational Costs - Participants may receive assistance with textbooks, training materials and other reasonable and necessary school supplies for training. Participants may receive assistance with tuition, lab fees and other education and related costs as necessary.

Disallowed Reimbursements

Payment of Mortgage, Loans, Fees and other Debts - SNAP to Success funds cannot be used to help program participants pay outstanding indebtedness, mortgages or other repayment of loans, including student loans, past due fees, penalties or fines.

Weapons - SNAP to Success funds may not be used to purchase guns or ammunition or other items that are intended to inflict bodily harm on others.

Childcare Assistance Program

The Child Care Assistance Program provides assistance with paying for childcare on a sliding fee basis for eligible parents/guardians. The purpose of the program is to enable families in participating in work or school to advance family's self-sufficiency.

Parents may be eligible to get help paying for childcare if they:

  • Have a child (or children) under the age of 13, and
  • Are working and meet the income requirements, or
  • Receive TANF and are in an education, training or work activity, or
  • Are a teen parent (under 20) in high school or a GED program, or
  • Are attending education and training activities, ESL, vocational training, GED, 2- or 4- year college degree program.

Families who fall within the income categories for their family size are eligible. For more information on finding a quality child care provider and receiving financial assistance, call directly the Illinois Network of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (INCCRRA) at: 1-877-20-CHILD or (1.866.697.8278) or on the web at, or

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Enrolling Participants

How the provider recruits participants for their program is up to them. There are two basic options:

FCRC Referral

Formal enrollment is done at the Regional Family & Community Resource Center (FCRC) also referred to as the DHS "local office." Providers can receive referrals from the local FCRC of individuals who are interested in the provider's program. These may come from a list of individuals who must participate in qualifying activities to maintain SNAP nutrition benefits. A connection or relationship should be established with the FCRC so agency staff knows that the provider agency is interested in receiving referrals for SNAP E&T participants from them.

Reverse Referral

In some cases, for more skill-based programs, FCRC referrals may not produce a quality match for a training program. Therefore, with the SNAP to Success program using "reverse referral" will be an available option and an encouraged practice.

To engage in reverse referral, fill out a 2151 form (the link is here or it can be found on the DHS website under the Providers section) and send it via fax or email to the FCRC's E&T personnel. All FCRC offices should have a dedicated E&T staff who will process these referrals. E&T staff will double check the eligibility of the participants you are referring, enroll the person in E&T with the components you have outlined and your organization will be listed as the one providing the services. This process of inputting the documentation of this referral should be completed within two business days.

It is a best practice to develop a relationship with your FCRC staff regardless of which type of referral method a provider chooses to utilize to facilitate the successful referral and tracking of SNAP to Success participants.

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Participant Employment Plan

Upon enrolling an individual in SNAP to Success an Assessment must be done of the participant's skills and goals and an Employment Plan (EP) must be created. The Assessment and EP can be done in the same interview/meeting and documentation of the EP should be kept on file. The EP should be updated at least once a year but can be updated more often as changes occur.

The EP will contain the results of assessing the following:

  • Career goals
  • Education & Skills
  • Abilities and Aptitudes
  • Familial Obligations
  • Any other employment related assets and barriers

The EP should include incremental steps to help participants define concrete goals on their path to improve employability, get a job and/or increase their wages. The following items must be included with the EP:

  • Date the EP was created,
  • Proposed SNAP E&T activities,
  • Identified employment barriers,
  • Employment related goals,
  • Referrals made to other service providers,
  • Participant's signature and date.

EPs must be updated annually, and you should update the form or file when the participant's components or activities change. For example, when they complete training or when or reach an employment goal.

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Case Management

Providers must monitor the participant's progress in SNAP TO SUCCESS 50/50 and document it in the participant's case file at least monthly. Expected documentation includes the following:

  • Participant enrollment (2151 form),
  • Participant progress,
  • Changes in EP,
  • Changes in activities and/or schooling,
  • Any participant reimbursements which must include a brief description and the amount reimbursed,
  • Documenting hours for participation in individual components/activities, especially for participants subject to work requirements. An exact schedule may be included if appropriate.

A provider must update FCRC staff via phone, fax or email with any changes that result in a reduction in component hours or termination of components within 3 working days of the discovery of the change.

Other changes that you may report include those that affect participant progress or outcomes such as:

  • Changes in component participation;
  • Non-participation;
  • Increase in participation hours; or
  • Employment changes (new job, changes to wages/hours/etc. and termination)

SNAP to Success participant's progressmust be documented weekly and retained in the provider's case notes. These will be reviewed during the annual auditing visit. Providers also need to check in with their local FCRCs to update them on changes in a participant's participation. The FCRC's will then update the participation information into the DHS system if necessary.

Note on documentation: This will begin as a manual process requiring coordination and communication between the provider and the FCRC managing the client's case. As the program expands however DHS intends to develop a method to allow greater efficiency and automation to input documentation from the provider.

Note on Participant Employment: DHS requires SNAP recipients to report if their monthly income exceeds the eligibility limits for their household size (see eligibility chart on page 2). When you report employment, DHS treats this information as an unverified 3rd party report. If it appears that the participant will exceed the income threshold, DHS will request verification and take appropriate action in terms of the reduction or termination of the participant's SNAP benefits. Participants are still eligible for Job Retention services through SNAP E&T up to 90 days after they have been hired for a new job.

Closing Progress Note: When SNAP to Success participation ends for any reason, document a final closing note. Document the outcome and explain why the participant stopped participation in SNAP E&T. Was a degree or certification earned? Did the client gain employment, etc.

Participant Files

You must keep files for all SNAP E&T participants. You can keep the files in paper or electronic formats. SNAP to Success staff at DHS will review them as part of the annual SNAP E&T program's fiscal monitoring. Organize files according to your agency's standards but at a minimum they must contain documents on the intake, assessment, release of information/consent forms, eligibility verification, participant progress, participant outcomes, and participant reimbursements.

Data Security: Provider agencies must securely transfer, store and dispose of any and all participant data.

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Intake and Assessment

Providers must complete an intake and assessment of the participant to ensure they fit the SNAP to Success program. Providers must maintain copies of all intake documentation provided and completed by the participant to show evidence that an assessment process was completed with the participant to determine the most appropriate service. The assessment should contain at a minimum:

  • Basic skill levels,
  • Aptitudes,
  • Interests,
  • Employment history,
  • Education history,
  • Employment barriers,
  • Career goals/interests,
  • Supportive services needs.

You can complete the full intake and assessment before or after verifying SNAP E&T eligibility.

Assignment to SNAP E&T Activity

Use the assessment to develop the EP and assign the participant to an appropriate activity. Participants in SNAP to Success must have the ability and the availability to participate in program components/activities immediately upon enrollment. Case management is the one exception to this. If the assessment shows that the participant doesn't have the physical and mental ability to work 20 hours per week within the next 1 year, then they must be denied enrollment into SNAP to Success. DHS encourages providers to provide participants with information that explains SNAP E&T basics and client responsibilities at intake. This information is available at the SNAP Employment and Training page on the DHS website. To order brochures call DHS Toll-Free at 1-800-843-6154, 1-866-324-5553 (TTY).

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Release of Information

Participants must complete and sign a release of information consent form before you can access confidential information.

If you submitted a reverse referral using form 2151, there is a consent signature for sharing information at the bottom of that form which participants should sign. However, providers may also wish to have their own consent form on file as well. Participants should be informed that they may revoke these permissions at any time and the process they would need to follow to do so.

Limited English Proficiency

If the participant prefers to communicate in a language other than English, all forms and services must be communicated or interpreted to the participant in their preferred language.

Participant Reimbursement Tracking

Programs must track all support services (or participant reimbursements) using the participant reimbursement form found in Appendix II. You may use another form if approved in writing by the SNAP to Success staff.

Records must contain copies of ticket and bus pass issuances or logs, copies of receipts for all other participant reimbursements issued such as, but not limited to: books, supplies, clothing and tools along with the justifications for each issuance.

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Participant Reimbursement Tracking

Programs must track all support services (or participant reimbursements) using the participant reimbursement form found in Appendix II. You may use another form if approved in writing by the SNAP to Success staff. Records must contain copies of ticket and bus pass issuances or logs, copies of receipts for all other participant reimbursements issued such as, but not limited to: books, supplies, clothing and tools along with the justifications for each issuance.

Regular Staffing Meetings

Regular Staffing Meetings, referred to as Staffings, are a way for SNAP to Success providers and FCRCs to review and discuss a participant's progress in the program. Providers must engage in monthly staffings with FCRC staff. If the number of S2S participants whose cases are to be discussed is less than 5 or if the program is located in a downstate area, then the staffings may occur telephonically.

At least 3 business days prior to the scheduled meeting the provider should complete the FCRC Employment and Training Participation Form (Form 4333). This list will document the participants the provider has in their program.

The provider will also send a Change Progress Report (Form 2151A) for each participant along with the Form 4333. The 2151A will document the participant's activities for that month and their level of progress. The provider will also indicate on Form 4333 if any participants require a "Full Staffing." Full Staffings are warranted when a participant is having trouble in the program or with an assigned activity. Reasons for a Full Staffing could be: a poor level of engagement, insufficient amount of time spent on program activities, or customer receiving 3rd party services not from the E&T provider (such as substance abuse counseling, for example). The Full Staffing is a more in-depth staffing with the intent of sharing information to get the participant back on track and can include other service providers, such as counselors, for other services being received.

After a Full Staffing has taken place, a Form 4334 should be signed by both the provider and the FCRC representatives. The provider will fill out Section A on the Form 4334, the FCRC will fill out Section C and Section B is for any recommended changes to the participant's Employability Plan. The provider should keep a copy of the signed form for their records.

The Form 4334 only needs to be used for a Full Staffing, for regular staffings it is not required.

Quarterly Reporting

DHS reviews your quarterly number of enrollments and completions by component type - Supported Job Search, Job Readiness, Basic Education, Vocational Education, and Job Retention. DHS also reviews the total number of participants enrolled and the total number of participants who gained employment. Each quarterly report should show the participant information as it occurred in that quarter only. For example, if a participant enrolled in a 90-day Vocational Education program in the 2nd quarter, they will likely not show as complete until at least the 3rd quarter.

DHS only counts enrollments once per participant per component unless a break in their SNAP E&T service lasts for at least 90 days. If the break of service lasts for at least 90 days, consider the individual a new SNAP E&T participant upon reenrollment.

DHS defines completion in the Contract as receiving a certificate or other program completion acknowledgment. Completion may also include a participant who leaves the SNAP to Success program due to employment.

DHS reviews employment retention rates, even if the provider does not claim the Job Retention component. The provider should only claim the client's employment if the employment began within 3 months after the last day the participant received SNAP to Success services from the provider, even though data may not distinguish the actual start date.

Data from the quarterly report is used to ensure providers are meeting performance outcome standards and other terms as outlined in the contract.

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Annual Monitoring

DHS SNAP E&T staff will conduct annual monitoring visits to provider agencies including sub-contractors and vendors. Monitoring visits will occur at the provider's location either at an administrative building and/or any location where the provider administers services to SNAP to Success participants. DHS may also conduct monitoring visits remotely via email, phone and other appropriate format at DHS' discretion. If there were any findings for an agency after the monitoring visit SNAP E&T staff will alert the provider of them and a corrective action plan will need to be developed with an appropriate timeline for any corrections. DHS will ensure that the corrective plan is followed, and that continued compliance occurs. This could involve further monitoring, either in person or remotely, in order to support improvement and correction in accordance with the corrective action plan.

Program Audits

By participating in the SNAP to Success program you are subject to auditing by DHS and SNAP E&T staff. This may involve auditing of client case files either electronic or paper either on-site or remotely. An audit would likely also include surveying of providers and participants either in person or via telephone or other method.

Agencies need to also comply with FNS auditing requirements which would require the same access to information as above.

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Invoicing and Billing


Providers will submit a monthly invoice on a SNAP to Skills Expenditure Documentation Form (Appendix I) . After the close of the monthly billing period, invoices should be received by DHS on the 10th of the following month for processing. This form should be accompanied by a SNAP to Success Supportive Services Summary, Participant Outcomes Form, Participants Served Billing Summary (forms all located in Appendix II) and a Funds Match Certification Form (Appendix III). All documentation should include Agency's name, FEIN, contract number and month services were provided.

Completed invoices are to include:

  • Completed and signed SNAP to Success Expenditure Documentation form;
  • Supportive Services Reimbursement Billing Summary;
  • Participant Outcomes Form;
  • Participants Served Billing Summary;
  • Supporting documentation for expenditures on invoices;
  • A Funds Match Certification form capturing all match fund sources.

Invoices should be sent by email to:

  • Illinois Department of Human Services
  • Division of Family and Community Services
  • Snap to Success Consultant

For assistance with billing process contact the SNAP to Success Program contacts listed toward the end of this manual.

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Budget and Funding

SNAP to Success is funded using 50% funds unless otherwise specified. This means that a provider will provide all of the services and then bill DHS for 50% of the eligible expenditures. The provider retains the other 50% of the costs and the original source for the financing the program costs must be non-federal. Agencies allocations are only approved after FNS approves DHS' written SNAP E&T State Plan and budget.

Providers must submit budgets on a budget form with specific line items and calculations. You may not move funds between the Administration category and the Participant Reimbursements category. However, you may adjust line items from within the same category by 10% or less without prior approval. For other changes providers must submit all requests for modifications or amendments to their budget or contract amounts as soon as possible to the appropriate DHS program manager. DHS must review all changes for final approval.

Providers can use the funds received from their 50% reimbursement to pay for more services or related expenses under SNAP to Success. You must receive the funds, use them on eligible expenses and invoice against them again through the normal billing process. This reuse of the funds is allowed and encouraged to help providers expand and enhance the work they are doing. You will be required to track those dollars to show when you invoiced for the original services, when you received the reimbursement payment, and when you re-spent the reimbursement in a future invoice.

Private donations from organizations or individuals over $1,000 for an individual donation which is used as part of the local "match" should be tracked by donor name. This documentation doesn't need to be submitted with individual invoices but will be reviewed at your monitoring visit.

Cost Allocation

All providers must provide a cost allocation plan along with their budget every federal fiscal year. They may choose to either:

  • Use the indirect cost rate to cover common costs; or
  • Use the cost allocation plan to cover common costs.
  • But they can only use one method for the SNAP TO SUCCESS program. If they choose to have the indirect cost rate in their budget, then they must submit a copy of the letter with the cost allocation plan.

They must allocate all payroll/admin (for example fringe benefits) costs through the same plan.

Program Contacts

Dan Lyonsmith - Associate Director of Workforce Development

Illinois Department of Human Services

Family and Community Services

401 S. Clinton St., Chicago, IL 60607

Phone: 312.793.2275


George Hampton - SNAP to Success Consultant

Illinois Department of Human Services

Family and Community Services

1308 W. 105th St., Chicago, IL 60643

Phone: 773-881-2943


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Able Bodied Adults without Dependents (ABAWDs): Childless individuals from ages 18-49 who are only entitled to SNAP nutrition benefits 3 months out of any given 36-month period unless they meet the 80 hour per month work requirement or live in areas of the state exempt from the ABAWD work requirement.

Assessment: An initial meeting with the client/participant where capacities, interests and barriers are determined and documents. The Employment Plan (EP - see below) may be developed during the same meeting.

Component (or E&T Component): Otherwise referred to as an E&T activity, components are Job Search, Job Readiness, Vocational Education, Basic Education, Work Experience and Job Retention.

Employment & Training Liaison (E&T Liaison): Local Office staff person who matches customers to the appropriate contractual program and manages the Providers' referrals, etc.

Expedited SNAP eligibility: A rapid eligibility determination for SNAP nutrition benefits given to eligible families within 5 days after an application has been submitted to the local office.

Family and Community Resource Centers (FCRC): Also known as local offices, these are the DHS facilities of the Family and Community Services Division (FCS) serving customers who are eligible for all available state and federal DHS programs.

Food and Nutrition Service (FNS): Division of USDA responsible for the nationwide administration of numerous federal nutrition programs and SNAP E&T.

Employment Plan (EP): A document created and updated annually which includes the basic information about: Work with the client to establish a written Employability Plan (EP) based on the information obtained during the assessment. The plan must contain: specific employment goals; SNAP E&T activity components assigned; the supportive services that will be provided or arranged obtain the employment goals.

IES: Illinois' Department of Human Services "Integrated Eligibility System" is a new data system which is scheduled to go live at the end of October.

Local Office Administrator (LOA): The LOA is responsible for the overall management and operations of the Local Family and Community Resource Center (FCRC), which used to be known as Public Aid offices.

On-the-Job Training (OJT): OJT is an employment program under which a person is paid for a job while they learn it. Under SNAP to Success you can supports such activities but you may not seek reimbursement for wages paid to SNAP to Success participants.

Participant Reimbursements: Also referred to as "Supportive Services." This is money paid to provide something to eliminate a barrier to work or training such as money given to the participant for transportation, clothing or child care.

Regional Administrator (RA): The RA is responsible for the overall management and operations of multiple full-service FCRCs within defined geographical areas. DHS breaks up the state into 5 regions and in each region there is one RA over the FCRCs or local offices.

Reverse Referral: Is opening a participant to the SNAP to Success Program initiated by the provider who informs the local office of the action via form 2151 which is submitted to the local FCRC.

WVS: Work Verification System in IES, it is currently not available to SNAP E&T providers but should be in the near future. Providers can log in and enter information on SNAP to Success participants to document participation directly into IES

Individuals can apply online for benefits at:

DHS Help Line: 800-843-6154 (Voice) and 866-324-5553 (TTY)

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