Ounces of Beef in a Large Hamburger

At that place's no need to buy pre-formed patties or to invest in whatsoever kind of burger shaping gizmo or printing when you're hankering for a burger. Just learn how to make burger patties with your own two hands, some ground meat, and some table salt. It's so like shooting fish in a barrel your kids can do it—only brand sure they wash their hands before and after.

You can make a burger patty out of any kind or mix of ground meat(s) you want. Ground beef, lamb, pork, veal, bison, duck, chicken, and turkey all make bully burgers. And if it's basis beef y'all want, information technology doesn't have to be just ground chuck—y'all can grind any cut of beef you desire (or accept your butcher grind it for you), or mix that beef with ground pork or even mushrooms for a more eco-friendly option. A basis dry out-aged ribeye burger is a thing of beauty, if yous're looking for a real treat.

Just whatever meat or mix of meats you choose, you take to grade it into a patty earlier you lot cook it, and that's what nosotros're here to talk about today. The method is easy, merely how you do it depends on what style of burger you lot desire to cook: a classic, a smashed, or a stuffed burger. And then in one case you know that, here's how to make burger patties for each:

How to Make a Archetype Burger Patty

1. Split up ground meat into even balls

The amount of footing meat you want in each portion is actually up to you. Classic burgers ordinarily range in size from a quarter pound (4 ounces) to 6 ounces. And so you choose, then divide your footing meat into even portions (if you lot desire to get really exact, use a kitchen calibration!) and loosely grade it into balls. Don't pack those balls too tight though—that will brand your burgers tough. Pack them just enough to stick together.

2. Flatten those balls into patties

Once your meat is evenly divided into equal-sized balls, it's easy to use the palm of your hand to gently flatten them into 4-inch-wide, three/four-inch-thick loosely packed patties.

3. Make an indentation in center of patty

At present, make a minor indentation in the centre of each patty with your thumb. The patty will compress as it cooks, and this trick helps make sure it stays flat as information technology cooks.

4. Season on both sides, and cook as desired

Sprinkle each side of the patty with salt and pepper (or just salt—up to you lot) and then cook nevertheless yous like: On the grill or on a griddle or skillet.

Image may contain Burger Food and Plant

Boom burgers in activity.

Photograph by Alex Lau

How to Make a Smashed Burger Patty

i. Split up beefiness into fifty-fifty portions

Smashed burgers are thinner than archetype burgers, so yous want to stick with a quarter pound of meat per serving. And then portion out four-ounce portions of whatever meat yous're using.

2. Course into pucks

Once your meat is divided into even portions, class each portion into a "puck" most 2 1/2 inches thick, making sure not to pack it tightly.

3. Freeze briefly

To ensure that yous become juicy meat on the within and a nice crisp edge on the exterior when you make a smash burger, it helps to freeze the meat pucks for fifteen minutes earlier cooking them. Practice non freeze them for longer though—you don't desire them to be really frozen, simply nicely chilled but even so smashable.

4. Blast information technology!

Get a skillet or griddle nice and hot and follow our foolproof recipe to make melt the best smash burgers—cheese optional, but recommended.

Image may contain Burger and Food

How to Brand a Blimp Burger Patty

1. Divide beef into fifty-fifty balls

But as with classic burgers, you lot tin cull how much meat yous want to utilize per patty (between iv to half dozen ounces)—just portion it out so that each portion has the same weight so that your burgers cook evenly. Pack each portion into a dainty round ball, making certain non to pack information technology too tightly.

2. Poke a hole in the center of each brawl

Use your arrow finger or the stop of a wooden spoon to poke a whole about iii/4 of the style through the center of each meat brawl.

3. Fill that hole with cheese, then flatten

Stuff your choice of grated or crumbled cheese (cheddar or blue cheese are particularly delicious) into the pigsty y'all created, then compression the hole airtight and gently flatten the brawl into a 3/4-inch-thick patty.

4. Season on both sides, and cook as desired

Sprinkle each side of each patty with table salt and pepper (or simply common salt) and then melt as desired. Since the center is stuffed with cheese, at that place'south no need to make an indentation in this one.

Now that you know how to make burger patties, the simply tough function is picking which burger to brand first.


Source: https://www.epicurious.com/expert-advice/how-to-make-burger-patties-classic-smashed-stuffed-article

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